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World Adoption Day

It’s 2019, and that means it’s time to celebrate World Adoption Day! During National Adoption Month, everyone in the adoption community will have another opportunity to celebrate just how much adoption means to them.
But, what is World Adoption Day, and why should you participate?
If you’re ready to learn more, here are some big and some small ways that you can get involved on World Adoption Day.

So, What Exactly is World Adoption Day?

In case you don’t already know, let’s start off with what today is all about. World Adoption Day was launched in 2014 by AdoptTogether founder Hank Fortener. The goal was to raise awareness about adoption and to celebrate families created through this process. It’s also a day to raise funds to support hopeful parents waiting to build families of their own through adoption.
Since its inception, celebrities and ordinary families alike have shown their support from all over the world for a global celebration of adoption. You can take part in the celebration, too!

How Can I Get Involved?

There are so many ways that you can get involved and make your voice heard today. Here are just a few:

  • Remember to smile! It’s time to break out the sharpies! Take a few seconds today to draw a smiley face on your hand and post it to your favorite social media account with the hashtag #WorldAdoptionDay.
  • Get the conversation started: If you’re grateful for the ways that adoption has changed your life, why not share it with the world? Take some time today to show off your beautiful family with photos and talk about what World Adoption Day means in your life.
  • Donate your time: Any way that you choose to participate makes a difference, but there are a few more tangible ways that you can help make an impact. You can volunteer, become an ambassador for World Adoption Day, create events in your community, or donate to help others build the family of their dreams through AdoptTogether.com.
  • Spend some time with your loved ones: It’s always a great idea to take some extra time today with the people who mean the most to you. This year, we also ask that you share a meal with your friends and family.

There are so many creative ways that you can get involved and spread awareness about adoption. So, don’t be shy. Let us hear what World Adption Day means to you and how you plan to get involved in the comments below!