Home » Thoughts From a Birth Mother | By Lindsay Arielle Thoughts From a Birth Mother | By Lindsay Arielle After placing her son for adoption, Lindsay Arielle has committed her life to advocating for, supporting and encouraging birth mothers across the country. Below, you will read Lindsay’s personal writings about what it’s like to go through the adoption process as a birth mother, methods that helped her emotionally move on with her life, her thoughts on anti-adoption bloggers, and much more. Lindsay hopes her writings will positively affect any woman currently considering adoption, women in the middle of an adoption process, and women who have gone through with their adoption plan – as well as help adoptive families better understand the emotions experienced by birth mothers.
Reflecting on Holiday Gratitude for Birth Mothers2024-01-31GMT-0500Gratitude can be a very personal attitude if we choose to make it so. There was a long time in my life after I chose adoption for my baby in which gratitude became paramount to my survival.
Open and Closed Adoption From a Post-Placement Perspective2023-12-12GMT-0500I am a birth mother who chose open adoption for my baby over 13 years ago. My baby was 6 months old when I chose the option of gifting myself and my child with an open adoption.
Evaluating Your Emotions When You “Don’t Want” the Baby2023-12-05GMT-0500Are you an expectant parent with thoughts like, “I’m 4 months pregnant and don’t want to be,” or “I’m 7 months pregnant and don’t want my baby,” or “I’m expecting a baby and don’t want it?”
There Are Many Ways to Choose Adoption2023-11-10GMT-0500Are you considering adoption, but you’re not sure if your situation justifies the decision? Are you worried that you have no support, or too much support to be able to place your baby for adoption?
Celebrating National Birth Mother’s Day 2023 as a Birth Mother2023-05-12GMT-0500Birth mothers worldwide are celebrated for National Birth Mother’s Day this Saturday, May 13, 2023, the day before Mother’s Day. This holiday started in the US, but it applies to birth mothers all over the globe. As a birth mother myself, I hold National Birth Mother’s Day in gratitude, as I am loved and celebrated, […]
An Invitation to Walk a Path of Healing Again2023-04-28GMT-0500I am a birth mother. There is more to my story than pain. I hold hope that no matter what challenges we may face in this lifetime, there can always be healing in the journey.
Why I Would Choose an Open Adoption Plan [Advice from a Birth Mom]2021-05-15GMT-0500Laura is a wife, mom, and birth mom. She shares her story to inspire and educate anyone touched by adoption.
Adoptive Parents: Near or Far? — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-11-29GMT-0500A prospective birth mother can choose a waiting family in her state or an adoptive family who lives out of state, depending on where she wants her baby to grow up. Birth mother Lindsay discusses the pros and cons of each option.
How to Know Adoptive Parents are “The Ones” — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-11-15GMT-0500Fairy tales can come true for any prospective birth mother looking for the perfect adoptive family — for her child and for herself. Learn how to find your perfect adoptive family match here.
Time Heals All Wounds, Except Choosing Adoption — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-08-16GMT-0500Birth mother Lindsay evaluates a research study conducted to learn about how time influences a birth mother's satisfaction in her adoption decision.
8 Years After Adoption, A Birth Family Reunion — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-08-09GMT-0500Birth mother Lindsay discusses her fears about hosting a birth family reunion for her son and his parents — and the miraculous aftermath.
Dealing with Birth Mother Shame — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-08-02GMT-0500Lindsay, birth mother for eight years, acknowledges the long-term feelings of shame in choosing adoption, offering solutions to those complicated emotions.
5 Musical Meditations for Birth Mother Empowerment — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-05-31GMT-0500Lindsay offers her advice for motivation during the tough times of a birth mother's life — using music to inspire within.
Celebrating Birth Mother's Day — Thoughts from a Birth Mother2019-05-10GMT-0500Lindsay explains how birth mothers can celebrate this special day by themselves, with their birth children or even with supportive friends and family members. The decision is always up to you.
Adoption and Trauma: One Birth Mother's Opinion — Part Three2019-02-01GMT-0500Healing from Adoption Trauma and PTSD In the first two parts of this article series, I defined trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and offered examples from my personal life to show that choosing adoption does not mean that a birth mother is guaranteed to suffer trauma. Here’s what I want you to know: The […]
Adoption and Trauma: One Birth Mother's Opinion — Part Two2019-01-28GMT-0500Adoption and a PTSD Diagnosis In Part 1 of this article series, I offered a definition of trauma and explained how a traumatic event is a perception of that occurrence. The conclusion that I arrived at was that adoption is not a guaranteed traumatic event. While there may be a grief process after placement, that […]