Home » Birth Parent » 7 Birth Mothers to Follow on Social Media Today 7 Birth Mothers to Follow on Social Media Today When a pregnant woman considers adoption for her baby, she is faced with one of the most difficult decisions in her life. With so many emotions, questions and concerns, it’s important for her to have the proper resources — and that includes the perspectives of women who have been in her shoes. Adoptive families and adoptees can also gain insight and empathy by learning the experiences, thoughts and emotions a pregnant woman goes through during her pregnancy, during the adoption process and after she places a child for adoption. Thanks to the internet and social media, these stories, experiences and advice are easily found. Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Here, find a list of social media accounts run by influential birth mothers that you need to follow today. @muthonigaciku: Through her Instagram, Muthoni Gaciku shares intimate stories about her life and experiences after placing her child for adoption. @fromanothamotha: Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard uses her Instagram to share her perspective of being a birth mom and of life after adoption. Kelsey is also the founder of the Motha’s Day Project, an organization for embracing birth mothers and celebrating their motherhood each year. @bigtoughgirl: Ashley Mitchell shares her stories of being a birth mother in an open adoption. Her Instagram links to her website, where you can read more about the Lifetime Healing Foundation, an organization she founded that supports women healing from adoption-related grief and depression. @thegracebond: Leah Outten’s Instagram page tells her stories of being a birth mom and now a mother of five. She partners with Woven Together, which she co-founded as an educational resource for adoptive parents looking for information and advice. @dominique.rachelle: Check out the page of Dominique Rachelle, who is both an adoptee and a birth mother. Here, she provides stories from the two perspectives and discusses what it was like growing up and now growing older. @annaleece.fairbanks: Here, you will find stories about Annaleece Fairbanks’ pregnancy, adoption, difficulties of dating as a birth mom, and the impact being a birth mother had on her life post-adoption. @adrianccollins: Adrian Collins is a birth mother, adoptive mom and a mother of five. Her page links to her blog, where she details her journey from birth mother to adoptive mother. These are just a few of the amazing birth mothers who have shared their adoption experiences with the world. The strength they have to not only selflessly place their babies for adoption but to also open up and share their stories is truly inspirational. Use their experiences to learn more about the adoption process and the emotions involved. But don’t stop with this list — be sure to browse through as many social media accounts, blogs or Youtube videos as possible. Have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments! 7 Birth Mothers to Follow on Social Media Today Five Reasons to Take Advantage of Adoption Counseling ServicesWherever you are in your adoption journey, if you are experiencing emotional difficulties, know that you don’t have to go it alone. You are entitled to adoption counseling services, which can be beneficial in a number of ways. Here are just a few benefits of working with an adoption counselor.Learn More Five Ways to Support a Pregnant Friend Considering AdoptionIt can be overwhelming to receive such big news from someone close to you, and you may not know how to react or how...Learn MoreDo Orphanages Still Exist?When many people think of adoption, they think of traditional orphanages — or the negative stereotype of traditional orphanages, involving underfed and mistreated orphans...Learn MoreFive Signs You Are Ready to Start the Adoption ProcessAdoption can be an exciting and rewarding experience — but it’s also a big commitment that requires plenty of time, energy and patience. How...Learn MoreSix Ways to Educate Others About AdoptionIf you have experienced the joy of adoption firsthand, you can help spread adoption awareness. Simply sharing your story with others can help them...Learn MoreCoping with an Adoption DisruptionYour dreams of parenthood are finally within reach — until you get the devastating news that your baby’s prospective birth mother has changed her...Learn MoreFour Ways to Handle the Holidays After PlacementThe holidays are a time of good cheer and celebration — family and friends come together in the spirit of the season to make...Learn MoreFour New Year’s Resolutions for Adoptive ParentsAs you begin the new year, consider setting adoption goals and making adoption an even bigger priority in your life.Learn More Get Free Info