Adoptees Adoption Interviews Birth Parent Foster Care

Foster Care Adoptee to Birth Father: Matthew’s Story

Matthew is a foster care adoptee who later placed a daughter for adoption with his (adoptive) sister.

Adoptive Family

How Intrusive is the Adoption Process?

If you’re hopeful adoptive parents concerned about the intrusiveness of the adoption process, you can rest assured that any information that is asked of you is solely to ensure that you are equipped to give a child all they need.

Adoptive Family

Will I Know What the Baby Looks Like If I Adopt?

If you’re a hopeful adoptive parent wondering how much of a say you get in what your baby will look like, you can list races you are open to adoption. Just as if you were giving birth to the child themselves, you do not get to select their physical attributes.

Adoptive Family

What Does My House Need to Look Like to Adopt?

The home visit portion of the home study is a big source of anxiety for a lot of hopeful adoptive parents. The purpose of the home visit is just to ensure that your home is safe for a baby to grow and thrive in.

Adoptive Family

What Will Disqualify You from Adopting a Child?

Hopeful parents often brush aside adoption because they worry they wouldn’t meet the requirements to adopt. Adoption requirements can be strict (for the safety of children) but what would disqualify you from adopting a child? Find out what might prevent you from adopting here.

Adoptive Family General

Hidden Risks of Using Social Media to Find an Adoption Opportunity

Time and again, hopeful parents turn to social media to find a pregnant woman who is considering adoption. But, is this safe? Let’s examine the risks of using social media to find an adoption opportunity, and explore alternatives for adoptive parents.


The Fascination with the ‘Open Adoption Gone Wrong’ Narrative

The myth of the “open adoption gone wrong” scenario persists, even though more than 95% of modern adoptions are open and research backs up anecdotal claims of the benefits of open adoption for birth and adoptive parents, and especially for adoptees. So, why are people fixed on the “adoption gone wrong” narrative?

Birth Parent COVID-19

Should You Get the COVID-19 Vaccine If You’re Pregnant?

Pregnant women considering adoption and hopeful adoptive parents are faced with the question: Should pregnant women get the COVID-19 vaccine? Is it safe for pregnant women and unborn children? Here’s what you need to know about the COVID vaccine and pregnancy.

COVID-19 General

A Very Strange Year in Review

2020 was one for the books. The entire world was affected in so many ways — including the adoption world. COVID-19 brought new challenges to adoption, but birth and adoptive families persevered. Join us in reflecting back on a very, very strange year.

Adoptive Family COVID-19

Should You Adopt in 2021?

With all the challenges that 2020 has brought, should you adopt in 2021 or should you put your adoption journey on hold? Here are some important questions to ask yourself that will help you decide if you should adopt in the coming year.

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