Home » Pregnant? » Need to Leave Your Baby Somewhere Safe? [Emergency Adoption Options] Need to Leave Your Baby Somewhere Safe? [Emergency Adoption Options] If you’re experiencing a crisis and need to find a place to leave your baby, these guides are for you. They’ll explain the laws that exist to protect your baby and you, offer safer alternatives to abandoning your baby (like contacting a 24/7 adoption agency) and more. There are many emergency situations that may lead a parent to consider their options for leaving a child at a hospital, police or fire station, or even in an unsafe location. However, it’s important for everyone to learn about Safe Haven laws in their state. Understanding these laws, including their procedures and protections, can help save the lives of newborns as well as protect struggling parents from criminal liability. It’s also important to know that you always have another option: Adoption. You can make a safe adoption plan for your baby as quickly as you need to, no matter what your circumstances are. To learn more and start making an adoption plan now, contact us online. Remember, you have options. Help is always available. Find the information you need in the guides below, or contact a professional now.