Home » Thoughts from a Birth Mother » The 12 Days of Adoption Gratitude: Day 11 – Adoption Education The 12 Days of Adoption Gratitude: Day 11 – Adoption Education “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beattie Gratitude is about recognizing blessings and then counting them. It is not enough to just say you’re grateful. Gratitude required focus to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Gratitude can transform a bad experience into a good one. It can take a bleak outlook and make it hopeful. As a woman who chose adoption, I am grateful for the experience of learning about adoption. Not only have I gained much insight and information on adoption throughout the years, but I have also had the opportunity to educate others on adoption. Adoption education is not just for the woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Adoption education is also for those curious about adoption, or for those who have been affected by adoption, or for anyone who wants to learn more about the beauty in adoption. On the 11th day before Christmas, I am a birth mother who is grateful for adoption education. What is Adoption Education? Adoption education is all about learning what adoption is for the entire adoption triad and its implications for society. The U.S. has not always been a place where choosing adoption was encouraged. In fact, for a period of time, it was considered to bring great shame upon a birth mother. In fact, for a long time in this country, open adoption wasn’t even an option for the prospective birth mother. However, as society has evolved, so has its outlook on adoption. Adoption is now an option for any woman considering choosing adoption. Not only that, but she can also choose the level of openness within her adoption. Whether open, semi-open, or closed, adoption is now more acceptable than ever in the U.S. — thanks in large part to better adoption education and increased understanding. My Experience with Adoption Education I wasn’t raised in a family where adoption was talked about because we didn’t have anyone who was affected by adoption in my family. However, I did grow up with peers in school who were adopted. My mother taught me to love everyone, regardless of where they came from or what their situation was. Acceptance and love for others was instilled in me then, and I never saw adoption as a bad thing. However, it wouldn’t be until a decade later that I actually began paying attention to adoption. Once I decided that adoption was going to be the best option for my child and myself, I began learning about it. While there were many people around me who were not educated on the process of adoption or the beauty of it, I was able to embrace it. I have since had many opportunities to educate loved ones and even strangers on the beauty of adoption. Gratitude for Adoption Education The reason that I am grateful for adoption education is because there are still old, negative stereotypes that people in society believe about adoption. The idea that placing a baby up for adoption is “giving up” on your baby is still prevalent in the thought process of society today. “Giving up a baby for adoption” is far from giving up on your baby. Adoption is a selfless gift of love that birth mothers can give to their children. Adoption education is offered by many organizations, especially religious organizations and adoption agencies. If you are considering adoption for your baby and want to learn more about it, there are many resources available in this day and age with technology that can assist you in educating yourself on adoption. Helpful Resources for Adoption Education There are misconceptions when it comes to society’s view on adoption. Adoption education aims to break society out of these stereotypes and bring the truth away from the myths of adoption: to bring the beauty of adoption to light. Modern adoption brings so many options with it for a prospective birth mother. A prospective birth mother has the opportunity to walk through an adoption process with confidence as she creates her adoption plan with an adoption professional, chooses an adoptive family, and proceeds with placement. Life after placement doesn’t mean years of pain and heartbreak for birth mothers anymore. Healing for any birth mother is possible with the right support and resources. If you find yourself in the position of seeking out adoption education, please feel free to contact an adoption professional for free, no-obligation adoption information. As a woman who chose adoption, I have found adoption education to be invaluable in my life and healing process. I now have an understanding of the beauty of adoption, whereas before, adoption wasn’t even on my radar. I also am grateful for the opportunities I have to educate other on the beauty of adoption. Remember that no matter where you may be on your adoption journey, educating yourself on the beauty of adoption will only help you along the way. This is the second post in a 12-part series on gratitude in adoption. Stay tuned for more. ~Lindsay Arielle Lindsay is a guest blogger for Considering Adoption. She placed her son for adoption seven years ago and hopes to use her experience to support and educate other expectant mothers considering adoption, as well as adoptive families. 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