Home » Adoptive Family » 7 DIY Projects to Benefit Your Adoption 7 DIY Projects to Benefit Your Adoption Waiting for an adoption opportunity is no easy thing. After finishing their home studies, adoption profiles and other prep work, hopeful adoptive parents can easily run out of things to do — and find themselves staring down an unknown wait time with idle hands. While adoption professionals encourage adoptive parents to maintain their everyday routines during the wait, that may not be enough to keep you busy. And if you’ve always wanted to try a DIY project, you might decide now is the time. Did you know that you can use your DIY skills to benefit your adoption? That’s right — there are a ton of things you can make on your own that will not only keep you busy during this time but help you check stuff off of your adoption to-do list. We’ve gathered a few ideas for you here, but feel free to get creative! Tackle that project you’ve been waiting for, whether it’s adoption-related or not. Setting goals and completing projects will help make your adoption wait go by much faster. 1. Something to Organize Your Adoption Paperwork Adoption involves a lot of paperwork. If you don’t have somewhere to organize it and keep it safe, why not put together something now? It could be part of a larger project — like setting up a desk from IKEA — or a simple, one-day craft like the ones below: Whatever you decide, make sure you tailor your organization system to what works for you — and what you’ll stick with in the months to come. 2. Something for the Baby’s Nursery Not all waiting adoptive parents choose to decorate their baby’s nursery. For some, it can be too hard — a reminder of the wait ahead of them. But, for others, decorating the baby’s nursery can be a great way to keep them busy and keep them excited about the road ahead. There are plenty of DIY projects you can take on when decorating a nursery. Whether you’re a DIY whiz or new to crafting, Pinterest can give you plenty of ideas to fill your baby’s space: 3. Something to Commemorate Your Adoption Journey Adoption is a long process, full of its ups and downs. It’s a great idea to commemorate this journey for the future — both for yourself to look back on and to answer any questions your child may have as they grow up. You might choose to start recording your adoption journey during your wait by purchasing journals or putting together an adoption lifebook. As your child grows up, you can look back on these together to remind yourself of the steps involved in the process, the emotions you felt and the unique aspects of your story. You can also highlight important moments with wall hangings and other framed mementos. 4. Something to Help You Raise Adoption Funds If you’re an artsy person, why not use that to your advantage? Consider setting up an Etsy shop online or reaching out to your community to see if your skills are desired. You could offer to make your famous banana bread or finish some home-improvement projects for others. And, when you get paid, sock that money away in your savings for your adoption opportunity. Fundraisers — like bake sales and garage sales — can also help you raise money with the help of family and friends. 5. Something for the Baby Shower Like with the nursery, some parents choose to wait to plan or host a baby shower until after they receive placement of a child. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning in advance, especially if you have specific desires for what your baby shower will look like. Your baby shower will look different from others, simply because of the wait necessitated by adoption. You may not need all the supplies a mother giving birth would, but there are some unique ways you can incorporate adoption into your baby shower. Here are just a few: 6. Something to Give the Birth Parents If you are lucky enough to have a relationship with your child’s birth parents, you know how important they are to your adoption journey. They not only are the ones who brought you to your child, but they will serve as an important extended member of your family for years to come. You can express your love and support for prospective and current birth parents with handmade crafts and gifts. As always, talk to your adoption professional before giving prospective birth parents any gifts before adoption, but plan on having something ready for the hospital stay — and for future moments, like Mother’s Days, birthdays and holidays. You should always choose gifts and crafts that are best for your situation, but here are a few to consider: Don’t forget — you could also put together an adoption scrapbook to give birth parents. Fill it with photos and memories of your child as they grow up! 7. Something Just for You Because adoption is a long journey full of moving parts, it’s easy to get caught up in your to-do list. But don’t forget to take care of yourself during the wait, too. Your mental and physical health deserves attention to keep yourself healthy and positive during the months to come. Have a DIY project you’ve always wanted to complete? Now is the time! It may not specifically be “adoption-related,” but it will help you manage the ups and downs of your adoption wait. Not sure what DIY projects might be right for you? Think about your hobbies and interests, and then turn to Pinterest for some ideas, like: Looking for more DIY adoption projects? Check out Pinterest, or ask your friends and family if they have any suggestions! 7 DIY Projects to Benefit Your Adoption Five Reasons to Take Advantage of Adoption Counseling ServicesWherever you are in your adoption journey, if you are experiencing emotional difficulties, know that you don’t have to go it alone. 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