Thoughts from a Birth Mother

How to Choose Adoptive Parents – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Birth mother Lindsay explains how she chose her son’s adoptive parents and offers some advice for women in a similar situation.


Why Women “Give Up” Their Babies for Adoption – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Is choosing adoption “giving up” on or “giving away” your baby? The answer is no. Birth mother Lindsay explains what adoption really means and why it’s not “giving up” on a child.

Thoughts from a Birth Mother

What Birth Mothers Look for in Adoption Profiles – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

What can you include in your adoptive family profile to connect with a prospective birth mother? Birth mother Lindsay gives some tips for making your profile as attractive as possible.

Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Healthy Choices for Pregnant Women During Adoption – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

How do you stay healthy during your pregnancy if you are facing the other challenges involved with placing a child for adoption? Birth mother Lindsay offers her guidance to other prospective birth mothers here.

Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Spiritual Healing in Music for a Birth Mother – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Birth mother Lindsay explains how spirituality can play a huge role in both a woman’s adoption and her healing process after placing a child with another family.

Thoughts from a Birth Mother

3 Signs an Adoptive Family Isn’t the Right Fit – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Choosing an adoptive family is a very important decision for a birth mother. Here are three signs a family you’re considering isn’t the right fit for your baby.

Birth Parent Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Emotions to Expect During the Holidays – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Loneliness, grief and joy are all common emotions for birth mothers around the holidays.

Birth Parent Thoughts from a Birth Mother

5 Ways to Pamper Yourself as a Birth Mother – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Self-care and pampering yourself is a very hard feat for a birth mother who is grieving, yet, it is crucial in the healing process.

Birth Parent Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Start an Adoption Support Group – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Are you looking for a birth mother support group but cannot seem to find any local resources? Start your own birth mother support group!

Birth Parent Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Understanding a Woman Who Chose Adoption – Thoughts from a Birth Mother

Discussing adoption with friends, family and strangers can pose difficult at times. Just be who you are and set boundaries when necessary.

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