Birth Parent

Should You Reach Out to Potential Adoptive Parents Online?

There are adoptive family profiles on so many websites, blogs and social media pages. If you find the family you think will be perfect for your baby, should you reach out online?

Birth Parent

So, You Just Found Out You Have a Child. Now What?

DNA tracking website are making search-and-reunion much more common. Sometimes, these reunions come as a surprise when the father was never told about the child. If you’re a dad, how are you supposed to handle that?

Birth Parent

What if the Adoptive Family Stops Post-Placement Contact?

It’s a situation no birth parent wants to experience. However, it is possible, which is why birth parents must be prepared for how to react in this situation.

Adoptees Birth Parent

Why Some Birth Parents Don’t Want to Be Found

When you begin your search for a birth parent, the possibilities are endless. But what if your dreams are shattered by a rejection?

Birth Parent

5 Signs Adoption Might be Right for Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Deciding how to respond to an unplanned pregnancy is one of the most challenging choices you’ll ever make. There’s a lot to consider. Here are five signs that adoption could be the best option for you and your baby.

Adoptees Adoptive Family Birth Parent General

World Adoption Day

World Adoption Day is all about celebrating everyone whose life has been touched by adoption. Learn more here about how you can get involved.

Birth Parent

What if the Child You Placed for Adoption Doesn’t Want Contact?

It’s a thought that may go through a birth parent’s head: “What will happen if my child doesn’t want to see me?” Here are some tips for biological parents to prepare for the possibility of an adoption reunion that doesn’t go as planned.

Adoptees Birth Parent

Your Guide to DNA Reunion Etiquette

With the rise in popularity of DNA sites like 23andMe, it’s easier than ever for adoptees and birth parents to find each other. But, before that day finally comes, there are some things to consider during your search.

Birth Parent

Talking to Your Kids about the Baby You Placed for Adoption

Many birth mothers go on to have more children, or already have children when they create an adoption plan for their baby. How do you talk with your kids about placing your baby for adoption? Here are several things to keep in mind for this important conversation.

Birth Parent

4 Tips for Talking With Your Professional About the Birth Father

If you can be honest, unafraid, inquisitive and timely in your conversations with your adoption specialist about the father of the baby, you will put yourself in a better situation to complete a successful adoption.

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