Adoptees Birth Parent General

Top 5 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Are Considering Adoption

If you’re pregnant and considering adoption, here are the top five reasons why women choose this path.

Adoptees Birth Parent General News

What to Know About Social Media and Adoption

Adoption has received backlash on social media recently, but what is the cause of it all? Here’s what you need to know about social media and adoption.

Adoptive Family General

How Licensing and Verification of Agencies Affect Adoption Wait Times

Are you looking for an agency with the lowest average adoption wait time? Here are the top three best adoption agencies to work with.

Adoptive Family General

10 Questions to Ask When Considering Foster Care Adoption

When considering foster care adoption, there are ten important questions to ask. You can also consider private domestic adoption.

Adoptive Family General

5 Questions to Ask When Considering Transracial Adoption

When considering transracial adoption, knowing how to advocate for your child and educate them on their racial heritage is essential. Find out how.


31 Inspiring Quotes About Adoption [Get the Tissues!]

Check out these quotes to read some perspectives from those who’ve experienced their own adoption journeys.


10 Adoption Terms Everyone Should Know

Adoption terminology can be confusing. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 common adoption terms and what they exactly mean.


Positive Adoption Language Matters [6 Phrases People Still Get Wrong]

Many people are not personally connected to adoption so they tend not to be as familiar with adoption terminology. Here are 6 common phrases that people still get wrong.

Adoptive Family General

3 Things Prospective Birth Moms Want to Know About Adoptive Couples

Waiting adoptive couples often wondering what birth parents look for in the people that could potentially raise their child. This guide breaks down 3 things that birth mothers like to see in hopeful adoptive parents.

Adoptive Family General

Hidden Risks of Using Social Media to Find an Adoption Opportunity

Time and again, hopeful parents turn to social media to find a pregnant woman who is considering adoption. But, is this safe? Let’s examine the risks of using social media to find an adoption opportunity, and explore alternatives for adoptive parents.

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