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4 Months Pregnant [Unplanned Pregnancy Options]

If you are 4 months pregnant and unsure what to do, understanding your options is crucial before making a decision.

It might feel like four months is too late to do anything about an unwanted pregnancy, but you still have options. You can do what’s best for you and your baby’s life, even when you’re 14 or 15 weeks pregnant.

This might be a difficult spot to be in, but no matter what you’re feeling, know that an unplanned pregnancy doesn’t have to derail your life.

To find out what your options are if you’re 17, 16, or 15 weeks pregnant and don’t want the baby, keep reading and contact us today.

Your Baby’s Development During Weeks 14-17

At this point, the second trimester is well underway. A lot of big changes have happened over the last few months. Here’s what going on with your body now that you’re halfway through your pregnancy.

Baby Development at 4 Months
14 Weeks

Now that you’re in the second trimester, you’ve probably noticed that you’re starting to show a lot more. Your baby is now around the size of a peach. Hopefully, you’ll start to notice many of the pregnancy symptoms that have bothered you for the last few months start to subside. 

If you’re 14 weeks and still don’t want to be pregnant anymore, you need to talk to your doctor as soon as possible about your options.

15 Weeks

At 15 weeks, you’ll probably feel full of energy — which means that you can get a lot more things done now that you don’t have to worry about that early pregnancy fatigue. You’re probably feeling like you’re eating all the time now, which is pretty normal during this week.

16 Weeks

At 16 weeks, you might start to feel the baby moving around, which will be pretty exciting. The baby is also growing fast around this week, so don’t forget to stay in touch with your doctor if you notice any severe weight gain.

17 Weeks

At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is around the size of an avocado. You’re probably also experiencing some newer symptoms, like weird dreams and rapid weight gain. If you’re concerned about any of your new symptoms, remember that you can always talk to your doctor.

I’m 4 Months Pregnant and Don’t Want the Baby. What Do I Do?

Although your window might be smaller for some of your unplanned pregnancy options, you’re not in as much of a rush as you think you are. If you’re between 14–17 weeks, here’s what you should know about your options for an unplanned pregnancy.


You might be in a situation where you’re asking, “I am four months pregnant, and I want to put my baby up for adoption. Is this still an option for me?” Absolutely.

You can choose adoption at any point in your pregnancy, including at four months.

Why Choose Adoption at 4 Months Pregnant
  • Find an Adoptive Family

    When you start the adoption process at 4 months pregnant, you can begin checking out adoptive families online, and you can even filter your search based on your preferences. Starting early will allow you more time to find the best family for your baby.

    Larger national adoption agencies will have more family profiles to consider. You can keep looking through profiles until you find a family that is perfect for your baby. You are 100% in control of this decision.

  • Financial Assistance During Your Pregnancy

    Pregnancy, in general, is getting more and more expensive. If you know that the medical bills are going to be too much to handle, then you will be relieved to learn about adoption financial assistance. Most prospective birth mothers are eligible to have medical, legal, cost-of-living, and other costs covered. 

  • Creating Your Adoption and Hospital Plan

    When you are considering adoption at 4 months pregnant, you are nearly halfway through your pregnancy. This allows you plenty of time to create an adoption and hospital plan. This includes things like the type of post-adoption relationship you would like to have with the family, the hospital where you want to deliver your baby, and so much more. 

    Choosing adoption at 4 months pregnant allows you to get all of the pieces in place without having to stress or rush.

Adoption is an incredibly selfless decision to give your baby the best life possible. Your child will grow up with the gift of two loving families and a lifetime of opportunity. Adoption will also allow you to return to the life path you had laid out for yourself before your unplanned pregnancy.

If you’re unsure if this option is the right one for you, remember that you can always reach out to an adoption professional to get more information on your options.


Becoming a parent is the dream for many women. If you’re considering this unplanned pregnancy option, then it’s time to start getting ready for your baby’s arrival. 

Keep track of your spending and make a budget to plan for everything the baby might need. You’ll also need to start getting your home ready, along with the nursery. You may consider signing up for childbirth and delivery education classes to help prepare for delivery.

It is never too early to start thinking of maternity leave. Schedule an appointment with your boss or HR to go over everything that needs to be covered in your absence to help avoid any stress or confusion when the time comes to deliver your baby.


Abortion isn’t an easy decision to make, but it’s the right choice for many women. If you don’t feel like adoption or parenting is the right choice for you, then make sure that you do plenty of research when it comes to 14-week pregnant abortion options.

At this point in your pregnancy, there are many states that either severely limit your right to get an abortion or don’t allow it by the middle of the second trimester. If you haven’t had a chance to look, the Guttmacher Institute offers information on state laws and bans on abortion throughout the pregnancy.

If you haven’t made an appointment with your doctor to discuss this unplanned pregnancy option, please do so as soon as possible, especially if you live in one of the states known for their restriction on access to abortions. They will let you know what options are still available in your situation and what to do next if you’re considering your 14, 15, 16 or 17-weeks pregnant terminations options.

Your Next Steps

As you get ready for the fifth month of your pregnancy, it might be time to start narrowing down your options.

If you need any help at all, or if you’re still not sure which unplanned pregnancy option is right for you, contact an adoption professional to get more information about each one of your unplanned pregnancy options in more detail, especially if you’re 14 weeks (or more) and don’t want to be pregnant anymore.