Home » Pregnant? » Adoption and the People Involved Adoption and the People Involved You are the only person who can decide if adoption is best for you and your baby. You are in control of your adoption plan from beginning to end. Although adoption is your choice, you can benefit from having people in your life who can support you during your adoption process. You may be nervous to tell your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, coworkers and the baby’s father about your adoption decision. But, many of those people may be willing to offer you support which can make your adoption process less stressful and more fulfilling. You don’t have to tell anyone about your unplanned pregnancy or your decision for adoption until you’re ready. The truth is, most of your family and friends want what is best for you and your baby. They want to support you no matter what. This section of articles can provide you with tips and advice on including your family and friends in your adoption plan as your support system. If you would like to contact an adoption professional today, you can click here for online contact information.