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I’m Having an Unwanted Baby – What are My Options? 

No one truly prepares you for what having an “unwanted” baby feels like. Right now, we’re sure that you’re feeling stuck and unsure of what your first step should be and who you should contact. That’s why this guide is here to help.  

If you’ve found yourself carrying an “unwanted” child, you still have options available. Depending on how far along you are, you can choose: 

No matter which option you’re considering, an adoption agency can answer all of your questions. To be connected with one now, please fill out our free contact form to be connected by a specialist.  

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about your options for “unwanted” babies.  

Which Pregnancy Unwanted Baby Option is Right for Me? 

You are the only one who can decide which of the options for “unwanted” babies is right for you. To help you get an idea of which one might be the right option, here is a brief breakdown: 

  • Parenting: When most women find out they’re pregnant, their first thought is normally, “Am I ready to be a mom?” If you think that parenthood is the right option for your pregnancy and “unwanted” baby, then there are resources available that can make parenting a feasible option.  
  • Abortion: Abortion is one of your early pregnancy unwanted baby options. If you’re considering adoption, please contact your doctor and familiarize yourself with your state laws to get an idea of what your options are for this situation.  
  • Adoption: You have the option to choose adoption for your pregnancy and “unwanted” baby. Adoption is always available no matter what your situation is. With this unplanned pregnancy option, you have the ability to focus on your own goals, while still giving an adoptive family the gift they’ve always wanted. If you’re interested in learning whether adoption is right for you, it might be helpful to reach out to an adoption agency to learn more.  

What if I’m in the Third Trimester with an Unwanted Baby? 

Having an unwanted baby is never ideal. But if you’re in your third trimester, it might feel like you’ve run out of time and options. However, it is never too late to choose adoption for your baby.  To get help today, please fill out our free information form to get contacted by a specialist.  

Depending on your situation, adoption might be the best choice that you make. Choosing adoption allows your baby to grow up in a stable home surrounded by love from adoptive parents who have been dreaming of the opportunity to raise a child. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue your own passions and focus on your future while knowing that your child has the support and care they need to thrive.  

When Erika, a birth mother, found out she was pregnant, she knew that she had to do what was best for her child: 

“I was for adoption from the very get-go and, after a lot of talking, we decided that adoption was best,” she said. 

If you’re considering adoption as one of your options for unwanted babies, the process normally consists of: 

Step 1: Contact an agency 

Contacting an adoption agency that you feel comfortable with is the first and most important step. Once you contact a specialist, you’ll explain your situation and provide information to decide whether adoption is the best fit.  To get started today, please fill out our information form.  

Step 2: Make an adoption plan 

You are the one considering adoption for your baby, which means that you are the one in charge of making all the important decisions. By making an adoption plan, you get to say exactly what you want your adoption experience for your pregnancy unwanted baby to look like.  

Step 3: Choose an adoptive family 

It might seem overwhelming initially to pick an adoptive family for your baby. But your specialist will make everything as simple as possible. Once they have an idea of what you’re looking for based on the criteria you listed in your adoption plan, they will send you a selection of adoptive family profiles that match what you’re looking for.  

Step 4: Get to know the adoptive family  

Getting to know the adoptive family can look however you want it to. Initially, you may start your relationship with a text message to the adoptive family or a mediated phone call with your adoption specialist. But most prospective birth mothers choose to continue contact through phone calls, emails, text messages and more. When you’re carrying an “unwanted” baby, you get to decide how much contact is right for you.  

Step 5: Creating a hospital plan 

You also have the ability to decide what you want your hospital stay to look like. You can decide whether you want the adoptive family in the hospital, if you want to hold your child after birth, if you want to take pictures with the adoptive family, and more.  

Step 6: Continue your relationship with the adoptive family and your child 

Early on, your adoption specialist will ask you what type of contact you’re comfortable with when you’re having an unwanted baby. If you choose to, you can continue your relationship through phone calls, emails, texts, pictures and letters and even in-person visits. Placing your child for adoption doesn’t have to mean goodbye if you don’t want it to! 

Do I Have to Keep an Unwanted Baby After Birth? 

The answer to that question is always no. As we mentioned earlier, it is never too late to choose adoption, even if you’ve just had your child at the hospital or if you’ve been parenting them for some time.  

When Casey was raising her twin boys, she was a single mother working two jobs just to get by. But after some time, she knew that this routine wasn’t working, for her or for them.  

“I just came to the point where I didn’t want their life to consist of their mom working really hard at two jobs just to get by, and then I’m barely home,” she said. “Some people are a product of their environment… I didn’t want the streets to raise them because I’m so busy trying to provide for them, and I wanted them to have a father figure.” 

But she always knew that she wanted better for her 2-year-old boys. So when she decided to make an adoption plan, it ended up becoming the best decision she ever made.  

“I don’t regret the adoption because I know it’s what was supposed to happen,” Casey says. “I was supposed to raise them for two years so they could be with their family now. If I didn’t, they would never have had the chance to be with their wonderful family and to have all the opportunities they have in their lives.” 

If you’re having an unwanted baby, there are agencies that can help. Please contact us online today to learn more.  

Who Can I Contact About My Pregnancy with an Unwanted Baby? 

If you’re interested in learning more about adoption, we’d be happy to help. The road to placing a child for adoption can be challenging, but an adoption specialist can answer all of your questions. To learn more, please fill out our online form to be contacted today.