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Help with Your Pregnancy Adoption Options [4 FAQs and Answers]

If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, then you are likely feeling overwhelmed. Since discovering this news, you may have decided that adoption is the best unplanned pregnancy option for you. Even if you’ve chosen adoption, you probably still have plenty of questions. Luckily, we have answers.

When it comes to pregnancy and adoption, questions and concerns typically fall underneath categories such as:

  • What family members and friends will think
  • How your child will process their adoption later in life
  • How this could affect your future

In the guide below, we will answer four FAQs surrounding unplanned pregnancy options, how to discuss your choice with your family and other relevant topics to pregnancy and adoption. If you have any more specific questions while you’re reading, then please don’t hesitate to contact us today to get free information now. We would love to help you at any time!

1.     What Are My Unplanned Pregnancy Options?

When you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you are probably thinking about adoption as well as your other options. It’s likely that one of the first thoughts that popped into your brain was, “Am I ready to be a parent?” Or, you might be pregnant and thinking about adoption or abortion because you already know you’re not ready or able to raise this baby. No matter which path you are leaning toward, it is always a good idea to carefully consider each option and decide what is best for you.

For each of your three unplanned pregnancy options, here are a few questions you can ask yourself to help determine if parenting, abortion or adoption is for you.




  • What are my pregnancy adoption options?
  • Do I want to choose adoptive parents for my child?
  • Do I want to continue my relationship with my child and his or her parents after the adoption?

Whether you are looking at abortion, parenting or adoption options for pregnant mothers, be sure to do plenty of research before making any big decisions. Speak with adoption professionals, doctors and counselors for advice on how to determine what best suits your needs.

2.     I’m Looking at Adoption Options for Unplanned Pregnancy; What Will My Loved Ones Think?

When you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, one of your first concerns could be what you are going to tell your family and friends. Also, if you’re thinking of “giving baby up” for adoption, then you may be worried about what your loved ones are going to think about that, as well.

It is completely normal to fret over what other people will think. Thoughts like these can be overwhelming, especially at a time when you’re processing so much life-changing information.

First of all, when you choose adoption, you are not “giving up.” You are giving your child a life full of love and opportunity. This is a brave, loving and selfless decision that places your child’s needs ahead of your own. When people say the phrase “giving baby up for adoption,” their hearts are probably in the right place. They likely don’t have any harmful intentions, but this phrase completely misses the point.

Although these thoughts and concerns about what your loved ones will think are completely normal, it is more important to choose what is best for you and your child. Asking for advice from your friends and family about pregnancy and adoption is a great idea, but remember that this is a decision that you and only you can make.

3.     When I Place My Child for Adoption, What Will They Think of Me Later in Life?

If you’re considering adoption, you could be worried about what happens to your child. You may even be scared that they will harbor negative feelings toward you or resent you later down the road. Will you get to see your child again?

These thoughts are common, but just know that there is no need to worry about things like these. Adoption has evolved quite a bit even within the past few decades. If you are thinking of adoption, then you won’t have to wonder if your child is in a loving, happy home. You will choose that home yourself, and through open adoption, you can see and talk to your child directly.

In the past, closed adoptions reigned supreme. This meant that there was little to no contact between the birth parents and the child. They typically did not provide any information on the baby’s cultural heritage, medical history or other crucial information. For both the child and their birth parents alike, this commonly led to doubt and frustration.

Now, the vast majority of adoptions are open. This eliminates any surprise or shock later in life because the child understands their adoption story from an early age. Also, in this day and age, the child will be aware of their medical history and family origins whether you pursue an open, semi-open or closed adoption. When considering adoption options for unplanned pregnancy, know that your child will be thankful for your selfless choice to give them the best life possible.

4.     I’m Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption and My Future; What’s Next?

After you have chosen adoption, you’ll need to think about how this decision will impact your future. For every negative, inaccurate portrayal of adoption in popular culture, there are hundreds of positive adoption stories. Many birth mothers look back at their adoption process and consider it a turning point in their lives.

You could have goals for your education and career, but your unplanned pregnancy has given these ambitions a rain check. When you’re mulling over your unplanned pregnancy options, be sure to think about not only what is best for your baby but also yourself.


To learn more about your unplanned pregnancy options, contact us today to get free information. We’ll connect you with a trusted, experienced adoption professional.